Log in with RealMe

To access the Procurement online service, you need a RealMe login. If you've used a RealMe login somewhere else, you can use it here too. If you don't already have a username and password, just select "Log in" and choose to create one.

What's RealMe?

To log in to this service you need a RealMe login.

This service uses RealMe login to secure and protect your personal information.

RealMe login is a service from the New Zealand government that includes a single login, letting you use one username and password to access a wide range of services online.

Find out more at www.realme.govt.nz.

About us

​We help government agencies to deliver better public services for better public value.

Getting procurement right produces better outcomes for New Zealanders. We can make this happen with good government policy, excellent procurement practices and well-informed strategic advice.

Each year, government agencies spend approximately $51.5 billion, around 20% of the country’s GDP, procuring a wide range of goods and services from third party suppliers.

What New Zealand Government Procurement does

We help government deliver better value and wider cultural, economic, environmental and social outcomes. New Zealand Government Procurement (NZGP) does this by lifting procurement capability and performance. We make procurement easier by providing comprehensive support and sharing knowledge, processes, templates and insights.

NZGP manages the Government Electronic Tenders Service (GETS) and New Zealand’s All-of-Government contracts for common goods and services.

We collect reporting from agencies, schools and suppliers on how they meet government expectations. NZGP assesses agency commercial capability through the Procurement Capability Index and conducts surveys to better understand the needs of New Zealand organisations.

Data and reporting

We help government agencies with each aspect of the procurement process. Read more about our specific services and initiatives at the pages below.

Automated templates

NZGP also works to streamline the procurement process through innovative digital tools. Every day, government agencies across Aotearoa New Zealand create hundreds of procurement documents. Our online templates for these documents are automated to help government agency staff create quick and accurate versions that are less repetitive to fill.


Automated Templates - New Zealand Government Procurement


Duration: 1:17

Every day, government agencies and all kinds of businesses and industries across Aotearoa New Zealand create hundreds of procurement documents.

But sometimes, these documents use old templates, or get edited so many times that mistakes creep in, taking a lot of your time to fix.

New Zealand Government Procurement now offers easy to use, online automated templates to help you.

There's no training needed so you can get started straight away. And the built-in guidance is with you from start to finish - from helping you select the right template, through to finalising your documents.

Content you add will auto-fill pre-set fields in the template, saving you time and effort.

Using automated templates will improve the quality and consistency of your procurement documents, streamlining reviews and approvals as well as freeing up your time for strategic work.

Manual templates are still available if you prefer to use them, but with our automated templates you'll know you're always up to date.

Try out our automated templates for your next procurement. Find out more by visiting procurement.govt.nz.

News and newsletters

Read articles on policy changes, reports and surveys, government initiatives and other relevant procurement news. You can subscribe to our regular newsletters, Focus on Procurement and Contract Bulletin, to stay informed and up to date on what’s happening in the procurement world.



To subscribe to any of our newsletters, contact us.

System leadership

System leadership allows NZGP to focus on the vital areas and functions of our procurement system, with an emphasis on a shared vision for the future and consistent standards. The Chief Executive of MBIE is the System Leader for government procurement. NZGP delivers MBIE’s procurement system leadership objectives through a collaborative, centre-led approach.

System leadership

Ready Buy

If you're looking for guidance, new to procurement, or returning to find something specific, our tool can help you with your buying. Answer a few simple questions to be directed to whatever information and resources you need across any of our services.

NZGP Ready Buy
