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Building capability PCI workshop

The Electricity Authority, Health and Disability Commissioner, Maritime New Zealand, Ministry for Culture and Heritage, Ministry for the Environment, Ministry for Pacific Peoples and Worksafe met at a workshop held in March to discuss initiatives to grow agency procurement capability.

Procurement practitioners at these agencies had all indicated, through their 2020 procurement capability index (PCI) submission, a desire to network and learn how to lift their agency capability in a group setting. Those who attended were able to talk about the barriers for success and share learnings from their agencies, especially on what has worked.

New Zealand Government Procurement Capability Team used elements within the procurement capability index as a spring board for discussion. The conversation centred on strategies to get buy-in from senior leadership and strategies on educating business units on the importance of good procurement and following process.

Senior Procurement Advisor at Ministry for Culture and Heritage Stephanie Dillon found being with her peers gave her confidence, and helped her realise “the struggle is real, and it isn’t just me.”

Chris Muller, Manager Procurement and Provider Strategy at Ministry for Pacific Peoples said “I found the workshop useful to hear everyone’s experiences and also the hot tips from the Procurement team”

The group has expressed interest in meeting periodically to share procurement issues and successes in their organisations. Ministry for the Environment has offered to host the in-person/virtual catch ups.

We are looking at running similar procurement capability building workshops in the future. If you and your agency are interested in being part of these workshops, get in touch with us.
