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What's RealMe?

To log in to this service you need a RealMe login.

This service uses RealMe login to secure and protect your personal information.

RealMe login is a service from the New Zealand government that includes a single login, letting you use one username and password to access a wide range of services online.

Find out more at www.realme.govt.nz.

Getting there faster with the ‘rapid mobilisation playbook’

The rapid mobilisation playbook offers practical guidance to construction project owners and supports projects to mobilise in a fast, meaningful and safe way.

Government construction and infrastructure projects have the potential to create jobs, support communities, and set New Zealand up for a sustainable and inclusive future.

We collaborated with the Construction Sector Accord, Aurecon Limited and the wider sector to develop the playbook. It is based on good practices and experiences from agencies and contractors who have run successful and effective rapid projects in the past. The playbook leans on three fundamental principles:

  • Fast: removing barriers to get to the construction start line quickly.
  • Meaningful: protecting jobs, supporting job transitions, supporting skills development, retaining skills in the sector, and supporting the goals of the Accord.
  • Safe: protecting workers; enabling healthy markets in the medium and longer term and safeguarding public funds. 

The way projects are set up and run can have a significant benefit to the sector. Mobilising projects more rapidly will get people into jobs sooner and speed up the delivery of benefits to society, the economy and the environment. 

The playbook provides tips for the major stages of a project’s mobilisation phase, to make it easier for you to follow:

  1. Capability and readiness due diligence
  2. Prepare a mobilisation plan
  3. Timeframes to mobilise rapidly
  4. Establish project governance, team and assurance
  5. Clarify project outcomes, risk and brief
  6. Select delivery model
  7. Tender or allocate work
  8. Prepare contract

It also provides a range of supporting tools and resources at each stage and is set up in a way that enables you to jump to the section most relevant to the status of your project.

Have a closer look at the playbook on our website or go to the Construction Sector Accord for more information.

Rapid mobilisation playbook

Construction Sector Accord

You can also email Procurement Planning, if you or your team require any support.
