Hīkina learning platform has been updated
Hīkina, the learning platform for New Zealand Government Procurement and Government Property Group, continues to provide quality online training for government procurement and property professionals.
To make it even better, we have upgraded the look, feel and usability of the platform.
Some of the key changes include:
- new layout and navigation
- Demystifying Procurement package in separate modules for ease of access and improved recording of completion of modules
- streamlined resources centre and video library
- two new social services procurement modules
- Whakaritenga (to arrange or negotiate in Te Reo Māori) explores how practitioners can hone planning practices to promote better outcomes for the communities they serve.
- Whakawhitinga (to cross over or bridge in Te Reo Māori) examines writing and communication practices during the planning stage of procurement.
Hīkina helps to build public sector capability and knowledge through procurement training and courses in social services contract management and broader outcomes training. Through Hīkina, government procurement professionals can access a variety of learning modules, training events, guidance and other resources to support their work.
We continue to deliver procurement training to over 1,300 people working in over 135 agencies, District Health Boards and local councils.
To access Hīkina, users need to be a government staff member and create an account using their RealMe login.