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Find out more at www.realme.govt.nz.

Manaaki Atu, Manaaki Mai is launched

The social services procurement capability team is offering new training and workshops through our new online learning management system: Hīkina – Learning for Government Procurement and Property.

In Hīkina you will find a suite of wānanga (training) for social services procurement covering cultural competency and contract management.

The suite of four wānanga is called Manaaki Atu, Manaaki Mai, and includes online and face to face learning. The wānanga were designed with the help of social sector agencies.

  • For all who work with social services providers Tikanga and Whanaungatanga will help you to understand different cultural perspectives. Book in for Tikanga first and follow up with Whanaungatanga.
  • For staff involved in contract management, Hononga and Ratonga focus on good practice when working with social services providers. Hononga replaces our popular Contract Manager’s toolkit and is about good relationship management. If you’ve completed Hononga or the Contract Manager’s toolkit then move on to Ratonga to deepen your skills for service delivery.

Justine Falconer, New Zealand Government Procurement and Property’s Social Services Procurement Capability Manager, said it’s exciting and we are proud to offer these new workshops and online training materials as part of our role to deliver better outcomes for New Zealand.

We hope the new wānanga inspire our procurement colleagues in their work with social services providers

Justine Falconer

NZGPP’s Senior Capability Development Advisor, Rae McPhee, said the e-learning and face-to-face wānanga were developed in partnership with colleagues from social sector agencies and providers to ensure they meet the needs for government.

Hīkina – Learning for Government Procurement and Property can be accessed from our New Zealand Government Procurement and Property website under the improving your procurement section, and then under training. To access Hīkina, users need to be a government staff member and use their RealMe login to access the training.

Sign in to Hīkina – Learning for Government Procurement and Property.

If you have questions about the social services wānanga please email Justine Falconer and her team.
