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Office furniture contract return to market

Part of: Common Capability Procurement news Contract update Property

The Government Property Group (GPG) Common Capability office furniture contract has returned to market.

The contract is renamed workplace and classroom furniture, reflecting the new product scope. A Request for Proposals (RFP) was issued through the Government Electronic Tender Service (GETS) on 27 May 2022.

We are seeking suppliers that can meet the furniture needs of eligible agencies and support them in achieving broader outcomes through government procurement. In addition to setting up contractual targets to reduce waste and emissions, we are looking for furniture suppliers who can provide sustainable disposal and repurposing services, in an effort to work towards a circular economy.

Broader outcomes

The new contract will help government agencies buy furniture that is environmentally sustainable and generates substantial cost savings. Our objectives for the new contract are to:

  • increase agency participation
  • achieve broader outcomes
  • improve commercial value
  • simplify the solution.

The new contract has five categories covering a range of furniture:

  • office furniture
  • classroom furniture (primary to secondary school)
  • reception area furniture for clinic waiting rooms (not hospital furniture)
  • furniture hire services
  • sustainable disposal and repurposing services.

There are 92 agencies participating in the current contract spending $137 million on office furniture between 2016–2021.

The new contract will be in place prior to the expiry of the current contract on 17 February 2023. The RFP is open until 1 July and further information can be found on GETS.

Request for Proposals - Government Property Group Workplace & Classroom Furniture (Office Furniture)
