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Supplier feedback survey launching soon

This month New Zealand Government Procurement (NZGP) will launch a supplier survey to gather a more complete supplier perspective of government’s procurement activities.

The survey, which will go live on 31 January, will seek feedback on suppliers’ experiences in planning and sourcing activity across 49 government agencies.

The results will be used to identify any procurement capability improvement areas across government and further opportunities for NZGP to support agencies to develop their procurement capability. The survey will also provide insight into areas of good practice.

Listening to our suppliers’ voices is important as it provides us as agencies with a balanced view of our procurement capability and provides opportunities to improve the supplier experience of working with government.

About the Supplier Feedback Survey

The survey will cover a trial group of 49 government agencies (comprising core public service agencies and investment intensive agencies that are part of Treasury’s Investor Confidence Rating process).

It will be open for six to 12 months and will have questions on a business’s experience through an agency’s planning and sourcing activities and will take about five minutes to complete.

How the survey results will be used

  • High-level results aggregated from across the agencies in the trial group will be released alongside high-level PCI results towards the end of 2019. We’ll share these results with agencies prior to their release.
  • We will share agency exemplars across the government procurement community through our channels. 
  • Agencies can use this information to create procurement capability improvement plans or seek support from NZGP. 
  • Individual supplier surveys will be held confidentially by the Capability team within NZGP and will not be released to agencies.

How suppliers can access the planning and sourcing survey

  • GETS notification to all suppliers who submitted a proposal to an RFP when the agency posts a tender award notice. This notification will contain the link to the planning and sourcing survey. Enhancements are being made to GETS to enable this.
  • Standing item in industry group newsletters/websites, e.g. Business New Zealand and through agency contract managers or social services community groups.
  • Links to the survey on NZGP’s website.

More information

If you would like to see the survey questions, please contact procurement@mbie.govt.nz.
