Supplier feedback survey trends
The supplier feedback survey launched in January 2019. It is a pilot project that aims to gather feedback from suppliers about their experience with the planning and sourcing aspects of procurement in government agencies.
About the survey and data
For more information on the survey, you can check out this news item.
Supplier feedback survey launching soon
The survey had 73 responses during the trial period (to February 2020). This is a 2% response rate, so the findings described here are a snapshot of supplier’s voices, rather than a comprehensive understanding.
Areas where agencies are performing well
Positive feedback came through from suppliers on the quality of tender documents. Suppliers agreed that many agencies used electronic processing, and that tender documents provided all the necessary information. Many suppliers agreed that tender documents used plain English.
Areas where agencies could improve
Opportunities for early discussion were consistently ranked by suppliers as being an area for improvement. Feedback on supplier debriefs indicated some room for improvement, however this was balanced by positive feedback on supplier debriefs.
Overall the feedback showed that much of the procurement process is well handled but suppliers would prefer better communication about requirements, changes or delays to the process and reasons for tender award decisions.
Next steps
Following the closing of the trial period of the supplier feedback survey, we will keep the survey open as a channel for supplier feedback while we review the findings.
We are using a range of data, including from the supplier feedback survey, to identify key themes and areas for improvement.
We have launched e-learning modules to support agencies with early market engagement and debriefing suppliers. These modules are available on Hīkina (note you will need a government email address and RealMe login to access course content).
Early Market Engagement e-learning - Hīkina – Learning for Government Procurement and Property
Debriefing suppliers e-learning - Hīkina – Learning for Government Procurement and Property