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RealMe login is a service from the New Zealand government that includes a single login, letting you use one username and password to access a wide range of services online.

Find out more at www.realme.govt.nz.

Eligible non-governmental organisations

A list of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) eligible for the New Zealand Government Procurement NGO initiative. This initiative links NGOs that deliver social services with businesses interested in providing them with discounted pricing.

List of eligible non-governmental organisations (NGOs)
Abuse Prevention Services Incorporated
Activity & Nutrition Aoteroa
A J Day Options Trust
Anglican Family Care
Arai Te Uru Kokiri Centre Charitable Trust
Ashburton Safer Community Council Trust
Aviva (Incorporating Christchurch Women's Refuge) Charitable Trust
Birthright Hutt Valley Trust
Budgeting Services North Canterbury Incorporated
Café Incorporated
CAPS Hauraki Incorporated
Catholic Family Support Services
ChangeAbility Incorporated
Changing Minds Trust
CNNST Foundation
Community Law Waikato Trust
Community Networks Aotearoa Incorporated
Community Wellbeing North Canterbury Trust
Coromandel Independent Living Trust
Corstorphine Baptist Community Trust
Creative Arts Trust
DOVE Hawkes Bay
Dunedin Budget Advisory Service Incorporated
Emerge Aotearoa Limited
Family Support Services Whanganui Trust t/a Jigsaw Whanganui
Focus Trust Incorporated t/a Workmates Supported Employment
Friendship House Trust
Gateway Housing Trust
Gore and Districts Community Counselling Centre
Great Potentials Foundation
Hamilton Abuse Intervention Project

Hamilton Christian Nightshelter Trust

Homebuilders West Coast Trust
IHC New Zealand Incorporated
Inclusive NZ
Kapiti Living Without Violence Charitable Trust
Kingdom Resources Limited
Korowai Youth Well-Being Trust
KYS One Stop Shop Trust (trading as Kapiti Youth Support)
Life Unlimited Charitable Trust
Lighthouse Southland Incorporated
Maketu Health and Social Services Trust
Marlborough Youth Trust
Mash Trust
MIX - Connecting, Creating, Living Incorporated
Nelson Budget Services Incorporated
Netsafe Incorporated
New Zealand Council of Victim Support Groups
Nga Kete Matauranga Pounamu Charitable Trust
Ngati Ranginui Iwi Society Incorporated
OSPRI New Zealand Limited
Otago Youth Wellness
Pacific Wellbeing and Prosperity Trust
Pam Fergusson Charitable Trust
Presbyterian Support Central Family Works
Rape and Abuse Support Centre (Southland) Incorporated
Rape Crisis Dunedin Incorporated
Raukawa Charitable Trust
Reconnect Family Services Limited
Rubicom Charitable Trust Board
Safer Mid Canterbury
Seed 2 Harvest Trust Limited
Shama (Hamilton Ethnic Womens Centre)
Social Service Providers Aotearoa Children, Family, Community (Incorporated)
Stand Children’s Services
Stepping Stone Trust
St John of God Hauora Trust
SuperGrans Tairawhiti Trust
Tai Poutini Whanau Po Kite Ata Trust (Family Start Buller-Grey)
Taonga Education Centre
Tararua REAP (Rural Education Activities Programme)
Tauranga Living Without Violence Collective Trust
Tauranga Moana Restorative Justice Trust
Te Hou Ora Otepoti Incorporated
Te Kohanga Reo National Trust
Te Ora Hou Otautahi Incorporated
Te Puna Ora o Mataatua Charitable Trust
Te Roopu o Te Whanau Rangimarie o Tamaki Makaurau
Te Rūnanga o Kirikiriroa Charitable Trust Incorporated
Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira Incorporated
Te Tai-awa o te Ora
Te Waiariki Purea Trust
Te Whare Rokiroki Charitable Trust
The Mohua Social Services Charitable Trust
Thrive Teen Parent Support Trust
Tuwharetoa Health Charitable Trust
Vagus Centre, Chinese Mental Health Consultation Services Trust
Waiapu Anglican Social Services Trust Board
Waiariki Whanau Mentoring
Wairarapa Rural Education Activities Programme Incorporated
Wellington Free Ambulance Incorporated Society
Wellington Sexual Abuse HELP Foundation
West Auckland Living Skills Homes Trust Board
Whaioranga Trust - Health and Social Services
Whakaatu Whanaunga Trust
Wise Group
Youth Horizons Trust | Kia Puāwai
Youth Pathways