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What's RealMe?

To log in to this service you need a RealMe login.

This service uses RealMe login to secure and protect your personal information.

RealMe login is a service from the New Zealand government that includes a single login, letting you use one username and password to access a wide range of services online.

Find out more at www.realme.govt.nz.

​​Using the air travel services contract

This page provides step by step instructions on how to join the All-of-Government (AoG) air travel services contract. You may also find additional resources on this page.

Agencies and schools need to sign a Letter of Accession (LoA) to participate in this contract. See the page Joining this contract, for further information. Once you have received a Letter of Accession to sign, follow the steps below to ensure your agency or school is set up to use the contract.

Joining this contract

Using this contract

  • 1
    Sign and return your LoA

    The LoA can be completed electronically and needs to be signed by someone with delegated financial authority for the agency/school.

    In addition to signing the LoA, agencies and schools need to complete the information form on page three of the LoA which asks the following:

    • Loyalty points - if the agency/school wishes to prevent collection of passenger redeemable loyalty points.
    • Travel Management Services Supplier - which TMSS the agency/school will be purchasing flights through.
    • Direct booking through domestic suppliers - if the agency/school is interested in domestic book direct options.

    Note: International flights can only be booked through a TMSS.

    Please note: Participating agencies/schools do not need to choose any one supplier for an exclusive relationship – they may purchase from any panel supplier at any time.

    Return the signed LoA to procurement@mbie.govt.nz.

  • 2
    Contract benefits activated

    Once your agency has returned a signed LoA, we will notify your Travel management services supplier (TMSS) - if applicable - and the suppliers that your agency is participating. The AoG discounts and benefits will be available through your TMSS, and also direct with the domestic suppliers. It will take approximately 10 working days for suppliers to set up the discounted airfares for your agency. Your TMSS can keep you informed of progress.

  • 3
    Set up payment method

    Air New Zealand will contact agencies that do not currently have an Air New Zealand charge account (Travelcard) to establish one. The account is used for booking via a TMSS or direct with the Air NZ Direct Connect Portal (DCP). The Travelcard account can be consolidated by your TMSS.

    Qantas will contact agencies that do not currently have a Qantas UATP charge account to establish one. The account is to be used for booking via a TMSS and/or direct with Jetstar. The UATP account’s monthly invoice can be consolidated by your TMSS.

    Air Chathams: Agencies intending to book flights directly with Air Chathams will need to establish an account to pay monthly via a weekly invoice.

    Sounds Air: Agencies intending to book flights directly with Sounds Air will need to establish an account to pay via monthly invoice.

    Sunair: Agencies intending to book flights directly with Sunair will need to establish an account to pay via monthly invoice.

    All other suppliers are only bookable via a TMSS, which will manage payments using existing travel industry systems.

  • 4
    Reporting set-up

    Some suppliers will use a standard industry reporting tool (called PRISM) to gauge spend patterns through the contract. These suppliers may request your agency completes a form to enable this reporting to be switched on for your agency. If they think your spend with them will be minimal, they may choose to not to gather your data. These suppliers (Emirates, Etihad, LATAM, Qantas, United Airlines and Virgin Australia) will email their form to you within 15 business days of your agency joining the contract. We suggest you complete any forms you receive as a batch once the 15 business days has passed. If your agency participated in the previous air travel contract there is no need to re-sign the PRISM form for Air New Zealand.

    NZGP included PRISM as part of the privacy assessment completed on the scope of the air travel solution. We are satisfied that PRISM is a well-established organisation, has a suitable privacy policy and doesn’t gather personal information about passengers.

  • 5
    Booking travel

    Once you have completed the set up processes, please see the booking travel page.

    Booking travel

    End of process

Contract resources

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