An All-of-Government (AoG) panel of four banking services providers covering core Crown transactional banking services, foreign exchange services, payment services, and card services. Transactional banking services are also available to non-core agencies.
MBIE announces banking services panel – Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
The AoG banking services solution includes 5 banking services sub-categories.
This service is provided by Westpac only. It covers:
This service covers:
This service covers:
This service covers:
This service covers:
All eligible agencies including schools can access and buy card services, foreign exchange services, and payment services as detailed on the banking services providers page.
Transactional banking services are offered under two separate sub-categories:
Only core agencies subject to the Crown’s consolidated cash management process are eligible for core Crown transactional banking services. The separate sub-category of transactional banking services is available to non-core agencies.
The AoG banking services solution offers a range of services and benefits for eligible government agencies including:
Savings vary across sub-categories and will depend on an agency’s banking services purchasing profile and specific requirements.
Most AoG contracts include an administration fee. This fee is a simple, effective and transparent way of recovering the cost of developing, sourcing, implementing and managing AoG contracts.
The AoG banking services administration fee will be payable only by core agencies and collected through the core Crown transactional banking services contract. The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) will invoice the administration fee to core agencies annually in advance, with the fee payable by automatic payment in equal monthly instalments (unless otherwise agreed with MBIE).
If your agency is a core agency, more information will be provided directly to your agency.
All the banks on the AoG banking panel have participated in a security review. The review looked at:
Service security certificates have been issued for each of the banks.
If you want to view these certificates or if you have any questions, contact the AoG banking team.
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To be able to purchase from this contract agencies and schools first need to join.
Each party has responsibilities they must meet as part of every AoG contract.