This page provides step by step instructions on how to use the All-of-Government (AoG) banking services contract.
Agencies can purchase from any or all of the providers on the banking services panel. When deciding on the best choice for your agency, you should consider the following:
This is a good time to consider your agency’s requirements, purchasing strategy and priorities and whether it is beneficial to consider multiple providers or a single provider to meet your agency’s banking needs.
The AoG banking services solution encompasses five sub-categories (core Crown transactional banking services, non-core transactional banking services, foreign exchange services, payment services and card services).
Check each provider’s service offerings for each sub-category, as each provider offers different services. Also reference the pricing schedules in the services agreements for pricing details.
When you are clear about your current contracts, your current and future needs and how they match with the scope of the AoG banking services solution, engage with relevant panel providers and get more details about the services they can offer.
Ask panel providers to clarify your responsibilities as a participating agency in regard to the services you will buy, as it will depend on the specifics of the banking solutions offered by each panel provider.
Once you’ve selected your preferred panel provider(s), complete a services order with your preferred provider(s) and begin your transition to the relevant AoG banking agreements. If you have selected a provider to deliver more than one sub-category of services, only one services order is required.
The services order will allow you to automatically benefit from all standard banking services offered by the provider. You will have an option to buy non-standard or additional banking services as well on terms agreed between your agency and your provider(s) and detailed in your services order. Terms could include charges, expenses, reporting, any specific service levels, IP rights or additional requirements.
Consider any compliance requirements applicable to your agency such as the New Zealand information security manual and the cloud computing risk and assurance framework for government agencies (noting that all public service agencies are expected to follow that framework in line with Cabinet direction).
New Zealand Information Security Manual (NZISM) – Government Communications Security Bureau
End of process