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Creative and media services

Part of: Advertising All-of-Government

The All-of-Government (AoG) creative and media services (CMS) contract merges services previously offered under the advertising services and design services contracts. It covers content production, creative services, media strategy, cultural competency and social media services.

Key details


Current View dates



Lead agency

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment

What's covered

Whether you’re planning a marketing campaign, want to create content for social media, or need a photographer, the CMS contract covers all of these services and more.

The scope of services expanded by two new categories: cultural competency and social media services.

Videography and photography are new services offered under the content production category.

These are all the services that are covered by this contract:

Content production

  • Videography
  • Photography
  • Illustration and graphic design
  • Animation and motion graphics
  • Audio production
  • Copywriting and editing
  • Events
  • Website design
  • Digital and interactive.

Creative services

  • Creative strategy
  • Creative ideation, implementation and execution
  • Project and account management
  • Digital innovation
  • Research and post-campaign analysis
  • Data analysis
  • Marketing automation.

Media strategy

  • Media strategy
  • Media planning
  • Negotiation and buying
  • Data analysis and management
  • Creative placement
  • Post-campaign analysis
  • Project and account management.

Cultural competency

  • Advisory
  • Cultural support
  • Creative strategy, ideation and execution
  • Research and insights.

Social media services

  • Influencer engagement and contracting
  • Content creation and strategy
  • Creative placement
  • Campaign social media monitoring
  • Post-campaign analysis.

What’s not covered

The following services are out of scope for this contract unless they form part of a larger in-scope campaign. There are other AoG contracts and resources that you can use to access these services on their own:

How it works

There are over 250 providers on the panel from sole traders to large enterprises. Each provider offers services under one or multiple categories. You can use any provider on the panel who offers the services you need.

Providers will work in a variety of ways, depending on your needs and objectives. They have in-house capacity to deliver all or some of the services needed to meet your brief, or they may subcontract parts to other businesses (either on or off the panel) to deliver the brief together. You will need to approve any subcontracted work.

Before participating in this contract, you have to complete the joining process.

Joining this contract

Selecting a provider

Select a provider from the Online Panel Directory (OPD), which lists all important provider information:

  • available services
  • rates and costs, and how they compare with the rest of the panel
  • performance ratings and
  • contact details.

Online Panel Directory

We’ve put together some useful advice to help you find the right provider for your project and make sure you get the best value for money.

Secondary procurement processes for the Creative and Media Services contract

Engaging a provider

Use the CMS services order (CMSO) to engage the provider you’d like to work with. A CMSO template is in the contract documents section.

More details on how to engage a provider and what to include in a services order is on the ‘Using this contract’ page.

Using this contract

Providers subcontracting to other businesses

Sometimes, your provider may need to subcontract another business to deliver part of your project. In this case, encourage your provider to engage a subcontractor from within the panel wherever possible, as panel providers offer good value for money and competitive pricing.

Subcontracting from within the panel may not always be possible, for example if the services are niche or providers on the panel don’t have capacity to take on the work.

Information about any subcontractors must be recorded in the CMSO, and your provider can only use subcontractors with your consent.

Provider performance survey

Once the work under your CMSO has been completed, you’ll receive a survey about your experience with the provider and their service delivery. You need to complete this survey to help strengthen the quality of the panel.

Your feedback will generate an average performance rating that will help other agencies and schools choose providers and improve competition within the panel. That performance rating will be visible in the provider information on OPD.

Features and benefits

  • Value for money – the pricing model offers savings compared to market rates.
  • Alternative pricing models are available to accommodate your agency's needs.
  • Uniform provider role levels make it easier to compare prices between providers.
  • A wide variety of providers across 5 different categories, that can be accessed directly depending on your agency needs and requirements.
  • Flexibility to use single or multiple providers depending on project requirements - the contract model encourages subcontracting to other businesses on the panel.
  • An expanded scope of services under one contract. Previously, services were accessed under several different contracts - the advertising services contract, the design services contract, and a syndicated contract for photography and videography.
  • Includes two new categories: cultural competency and social media services.
  • To keep the panel dynamic and responsive to the changing needs of government agencies, new providers could join every 2 years.
  • Provider performance surveys and performance ratings help agencies choose reliable providers.


Agencies who participate in the CMS contract don't need to go through a full procurement process of their own, which saves time, effort and cost.

Agencies can save between 20% and 22% on hourly rates across the services provided. These percentages are based on a comparison between providers’ average hourly market rates (supplied at the time of this contract going to market) and the AoG rates of the proposed panel. Actual savings may differ.


Most AoG contracts include an administration fee. This fee is a simple, effective and transparent way of recovering the cost of developing, sourcing, implementing and managing AoG contracts.

For this contract, the administration fee is 1.5% of the hourly rates. There’s no administration fee for services from providers who are sole traders, unless another provider engages them as a subcontractor. There’s also no administration fee for expenses, including media broadcast expenses, which are passed to agencies at cost.

Rates offered to agencies under this contract are exclusive of the administration fee. The administration fee will be added on top of the rates.

Providers collect the administration fee from agencies and pass it on - agencies don't need to make any payments direct to MBIE.

Joining this contract

To purchase creative media services from this contract, your agency or school first needs to join.

If this is the first AoG contract your organisation is joining, you’ll need to:

  • check if you’re eligible to join
  • sign a non-disclosure agreement
  • create a RealMe login (to access the joining documents below).

Find more detail on these three steps at Joining AoG contracts.

Joining AoG contracts

Once you have completed this process, or if you’ve joined AoG contracts before, the next step is to read the following documents:

  • Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for this particular contract.
  • Master creative and media services agreement (MSA). This details the rights and obligations of all parties in the contract. Your organisation needs to be aware of terms relevant to their procurement and use of the services.

If your agency agrees to the terms of the MoU, sign and submit the online joining form. The MoU and joining form are in the Joining documents section below. You need an agency login to access it.

Once we receive your joining form, we’ll be in touch to confirm that your agency or school is participating in the contract.

You can then purchase creative media services using this contract.

Joining documents

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Commercially sensitive content

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This section contains information which may be commercially sensitive and should not be shared publicly.

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Roles and responsibilities

Each participant in this contract has responsibilities that they must meet.

Roles and responsibilities

Dates and renewal details

Start date:
Current term end date:
Contract Terms:
2 years + 3 right of renewal of 2 years
Renewals left: 3