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Document storage, digitisation and destruction services

Part of: Logistics Syndicated

The Document storage, digitisation and destruction services contract is a syndicated contract that offers a range of on and offsite document services. It replaces the offsite document storage and destruction of records contracts managed by both New Zealand Police and the Ministry of Education.

Key details


Current View dates



Lead agency

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment

What's covered

The contract covers secure document storage, destruction and digitisation services. This includes:

  • secure document storage, collection and retrieval
  • document destruction, including on-site paper bins and shredding services
  • document digitisation, including scanning, optical character recognition (OCR) and media conversion.

How it works

It is up to each agency to undertake an appropriate secondary procurement process for the services needed. You can select one or more providers for the range of document services that meet your specific needs.

The pricing catalogue for each of the providers are in their profile section. For high volume services and any specific or non-standard requirements, you can ask providers for quotes.

Once you have selected a provider, fill in a service order. This needs to be signed by both your agency and the provider. If you select multiple providers, complete a separate services order for each.

Features and benefits

  • Flexibility to use one or more provider, based on your specific needs.
  • Transparent pricing structure.
  • We manage the ongoing performance of panel providers, including relationship management.
  • Your agency maintains the relationship with your chosen provider.
  • No administration fee to use this syndicated agreement.

Joining this contract

To access services from this contract, your agency or school first needs to join.

If you’ve previously used any All-of Government (AoG) contracts, review the syndicated panel agreement (the agreement) and then complete the joining form to confirm that you agree to the terms. The agreement is on this page under the Contract documents section. Note, an agency login is required to access this.

If your organisation hasn’t joined any AoG contracts before, you’ll first need to check your agency’s eligibility and also sign a non-disclosure agreement.

Check your agency's eligibility

Once we’ve received your joining form, we’ll be in touch to confirm your participation.

You can then purchase document services from this contract.

Online joining form

Dates and renewal details

Start date:
Current term end date:
Contract Terms:
5 years + 2 rights of renewal. First renewal 3 years and the second 2 years.
Renewals left: 2