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Find out more at www.realme.govt.nz.

Fleet management services

Part of: Vehicles Syndicated

This contract covers scheduled and non-scheduled servicing, tyre and brake management, and mechanical repairs to vehicles, trailers and motorcycles.

It also covers Warrant of Fitness certification of vehicles and other services.

Key details


Current View dates



Lead agency

New Zealand Police

What's covered

This contract covers the following services for vehicles, trailers and motorcycles:

  • scheduled and non-scheduled servicing
  • tyre and brake management
  • mechanical repairs
  • Warrant of Fitness certification of vehicles
  • road user charge certification for all diesel-fueled vehicles
  • provision of BP Fuel Card and/or other fuel cards in exception locations
  • vehicle decommissioning including removal of agency equipment, and vehicle disposal

Reporting is also available to agencies.

Dates and renewal details

Start date:
Current term end date:
Contract Terms:
Twelve years + one right of renewal of four years
Renewals left: none

Joining this contract

Please contact the lead agency in the first instance with any queries related to joining this contract.
