The All-of-Government IT hardware contract covers a wide range of products including desktops, laptops, tablets, thin clients, monitors, peripherals, Chromebooks, mobile phones, meeting room equipment and associated services.
Participating agencies (excluding schools) must purchase all of these products from panel suppliers.
Participating agencies are encouraged to purchase these products from panel suppliers but are not required to.
Participating agencies are encouraged to use these services provided by panel suppliers but are not required to.
The panel of suppliers includes a combination of two manufacturers, five resellers, two retailers and an e-waste recycling specialist. Participating agencies do not need to choose any one supplier for an exclusive relationship - they may purchase any in-scope product from any panel supplier at any time.
The IT hardware contract offers agencies:
Agencies who participate in the IT hardware contract don't need to go through a full procurement process of their own, which saves time, effort and cost.
Larger agencies can save on average 8% and smaller agencies up to 14% on their IT hardware purchases when compared with the best prices outside of the contract.
Most AoG contracts include an administration fee. This fee is a simple, effective and transparent way of recovering the cost of developing, sourcing, implementing and managing AoG contracts.
Rates in this contract include an administration fee of 1.5%.
Suppliers collect the administration fee and pass it on to MBIE - agencies don't need to make any payments to MBIE.
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Each participant in this contract has responsibilities that they must meet as part of that contract.
To be able to purchase from this contract agencies and schools first need to join.