Log in with RealMe

To access the Procurement online service, you need a RealMe login. If you've used a RealMe login somewhere else, you can use it here too. If you don't already have a username and password, just select "Log in" and choose to create one.

What's RealMe?

To log in to this service you need a RealMe login.

This service uses RealMe login to secure and protect your personal information.

RealMe login is a service from the New Zealand government that includes a single login, letting you use one username and password to access a wide range of services online.

Find out more at www.realme.govt.nz.

Using the IT hardware contract

This page provides step by step instructions on how to use the All-of-Government IT hardware contract, and information on third-party agents. 

​​Using this contract

  • 1
    Determine your requirements

    Start by determining your agency's requirements and what you need to source from the panel. You should consider:

    1. the category of product you wish to purchase
    2. if you have a brand of product you prefer
    3. if the type of supplier you purchase from (manufacturer, reseller or retailer) is important
    4. supplier delivery timeframes
    5. service level agreements
    6. price.
  • 2
    Assess your suppliers

    Assess the panel of suppliers and identify the brands of available products. You can purchase any product that is within the scope of the contract and from any panel supplier at any time. You don't need to select a single supplier.

  • 3
    Contact suppliers

    Request a quote from your chosen supplier or suppliers. We recommend you talk to more than one to discuss your requirements, comparing prices and other concerns before making a decision.

  • 4

    Suppliers can advise you on the ordering process when you are ready to purchase. You’ll need to issue a purchase order, either online or through an agreed process. You should discuss delivery requirements with the supplier at the time of purchase.

    End of process

Third party agents

Agencies participating in the IT hardware contract can appoint a third-party agent (TPA) to purchase through the contract on their behalf.

TPAs provide expert advice and guidance on the purchase of IT goods and services; consolidation of ordering, reporting and invoicing; and analysis of your agency's IT requirements.

You can nominate as many TPAs as you wish and should select agents that best suit your agency's requirements. You may choose to appoint a local supplier as a TPA.

The agent may require access to commercially sensitive information, such as supplier prices and contact details. You should share this information on a need-to-know basis only, and ensure you have appropriate confidentiality agreements in place. This is in addition to anon-disclosure agreement we may ask them to sign. You should never provide the TPA with your login details to the secure content of this website.

To nominate a TPA, you need to already be participating in the IT hardware agreement. You need to complete a third-party nomination form, then return it to us by emailing the IT hardware team.

Commitments and responsibilities

TPAs must act in your agency's best interests

Any other contractual arrangements a TPA has are superseded when they act for you as a TPA under the AoG arrangement.

TPAs should not add a mark-up to AoG IT hardware prices

The price you pay for the product should be the AoG price. A TPA may add a service fee associated with the purchase of purchased products (in agreement with a participating agency).

Any service charges agreed with a TPA should fall outside the AoG agreement

While a TPA may offer additional services, these charges should fall outside of the AoG arrangement. All services and any associated charges should be agreed to in advance, to avoid any uncertainty.

Charges should be transparent, and the AoG price should be made obvious. For example, disclosing charges as separate line items on invoices.

Appointing a TPA does not restrict which AoG IT hardware suppliers you can purchase from

You can purchase from any of the panel suppliers or appoint any TPA to purchase products for you under the IT hardware agreement. TPAs should disclose any applicable restraints they may have in accessing AoG products. As part of your due diligence process, discuss with each potential TPA what products and services they can provide. This makes sure that you appoint a TPA to best meet your needs.

Ensure that your TPA clearly understands and acknowledges their responsibilities in acting on your behalf

Participating agencies are required to purchase all products that are in scope from the AoG panel suppliers. Any AoG purchases that a TPA makes on your behalf should be for the benefit of your organisation only.

Put in place a confidentiality agreement between your organisation and your TPA

All information shared under the IT hardware contract is for your agency’s use and benefit only. It’s your responsibility to make sure that both your organisation and your appointed TPA have processes in place to keep AoG information confidential.

Provide a reference for any product quote to your TPA

All quotes are valid for a minimum of 14 days, unless otherwise agreed with the supplier. It’s your responsibility to make sure your TPA is given enough time to complete the purchase.
