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Media monitoring

Part of: Advertising Professional services Syndicated

A syndicated agreement for media research and analytics using one of the four providers in five categories: print media, broadcast media, online media, social media; and reporting evaluation and analytical services.

Key details


Current View dates Expires 25/06/2025



Lead agency

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment

Closed syndicated

This contract is now closed to further syndication.

What's covered

Each provider covers one or all these areas:

  • Print media
  • Broadcast media
  • Online media
  • Social media
  • Reporting, evaluation and analytical services.

What's not covered

  • Software solutions which draw on key words from online media.
  • The service needed to cover the full scope of media across the length and breadth of New Zealand within each category.
  • Monitoring and reviewing advertising campaigns.

How it works

The panel gives participating agencies the flexibility to select based media on their specific requirements.

Participating agencies can select individual categories from any of the four different suppliers or all categories from one single supplier who offers an all-inclusive package.

Under the service agreement, agencies:

  • have the ability to work with more than one provider
  • can select providers to deliver on a single or multiple projects, or an ongoing project or long-term partnership arrangement
  • can engage providers from any region - most providers have the ability to service all regions irrespective of their physical location
  • do not need to engage providers across all their service offerings
  • do not need to consider every provider on the panel.

Features and benefits

The media monitoring syndicated agreement offers government agencies:

  • flexibility to use a number of providers based on the individual requirements of your agency
  • flexibility in pricing models to work with your agency’s individual needs
  • standardised terms and conditions so no need to negotiate individually with every provider
  • access to quality providers with a broad range of specialist services
  • ease of process and engagement with providers through the media monitoring statement of work
  • savings in both time and money. Due diligence has already been undertaken, so there is no need to undergo primary procurement processes on GETS or assess if providers are fit for purpose.

Savings and costs


Agencies who participate in the advertising services contract don't need to go through a full procurement process, which saves time, effort and cost.


Syndicated agreement holds no administration fee on the media monitoring contract.

Dates and renewal details

Start date:
Current term end date:
Contract Terms:
Two years + one right of renewal of one year
Renewals left: none

Providers and services

Providers Print services Broadcast services Online services Social media services Reporting, evaluation and analytical services
Isentia Ltd
Fuseworks Media  
Meltwater Insight  
McNamara Research      

Joining this contract

If you are interested in joining this contract, email the professional services team.

To access the syndicated agreement you’ll need to:

  • complete a pre-joining letter. To receive a copy, email us.
  • once we have received your completed pre-joining letter, we’ll provide you with a copy of the agreement and panel rate card. This will contain the pricing information for each provider.
  • finally, to join the contract you will complete a joining letter to become a participating agency. Signing the joining letter will give your agency access to the services of all providers.



