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Property consultancy services

Part of: Consultancy Professional services Property Common Capability

This contract offers property consultancy services from a panel of experienced providers across seven sub-categories.

Key details


Current View dates


Common Capability

Lead agency

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment

What's covered

The property consultancy services contract is intended for office accommodation but may be useful in some operational property settings. The contract has seven sub-categories covering a range of service areas.

If you’re unsure whether your project is within scope of this contract, email the Property consultancy services team.

Property planning and advisory

These services are for both owned and leased properties. They connect your agency’s property portfolio to your long-term strategic goals.

  • Programme management for property, investment, finance and governance.
  • Advice relating to acquisitions, negotiations, re-use and disposal.
  • Assurance and audit services on property projects.
  • Compliance and regulatory management.
  • Analysis, benchmarking and financial modelling services.
  • Property management, including occupancy reviews.
  • Sale and leaseback assistance.

Learn more about property planning on the Government Property Group (GPG) website.

Understanding property planning — GPG

Workplace strategy

These services help you evaluate how space is used in the workplace and can inform changes to workplace design, particularly when a lease is expiring or agencies are co-locating.

  • Workplace strategies and principles from the Government national property strategy and Government workplace standards and guidelines.
  • Change management, including research, planning and advice to build leadership capabilities.
  • Workplace evaluations to inform workplace design and space planning, like occupancy and utilisation studies.

Workplace change

Workplace change is when an agency changes their culture, technologies, structure or size, or makes changes to major initiatives, activities and goals. Services in this subcategory can help with:

  • Change management strategies and frameworks.
  • Gap analysis, impact assessment and change readiness.

Valuation services

Registered valuers offer services for owned or leased premises, like land and building valuations and rental certificates.

  • Help with market rent reviews.
  • Lease negotiations.
  • Arbitration, negotiation or disputes about valuations and rentals.
  • Advice on market conditions and trends to help with forecasting and planning.
  • Asset, plant and machinery valuation services.

Asset management

Services that help you with regular asset management, including whole-of-life cost analysis for re-use or disposal.

  • Strategic asset management, including policy, strategy, and strategic asset management planning.
  • Inspections of assets and condition reporting.
  • Assessing of Levels of Service requirements.
  • Implementing and maintaining an asset register.
  • Asset performance monitoring and capacity reporting.
  • Long term and demand planning.

Learn more about asset management on the GPG website.

Asset management — GPG

Property-related sustainability services

These services help agencies address their sustainability and climate-related targets, ensuring office accommodation spaces are future-proofed and climate resilient.

  • Advice on the Government’s Carbon Neutral Government programme (CNGP).
  • Advice on how to reduce emissions and the carbon footprint of office accommodation.
  • Sustainability planning, design, advisory and assessment, including for certifications such as GreenStar and NABERSNZ.
  • Waste management advice.
  • Climate-related property planning, lease, finance and insurance advisory, including electric vehicle utilisation advice.
  • Invoice management and reconciliation related to a property’s sustainability needs.

Learn more about sustainability planning on the GPG website.

Energy efficiency standards — GPG

Property-related iwi relationships

Under Te Tiriti o Waitangi/The Treaty of Waitangi, the Crown has obligations to Māori, iwi and hapū, particularly regarding property matters.

If you don’t already have well-established relationships with iwi in the region, use these services to help you engage Māori early in property-related projects and form better relationships while developing your property needs.

  • Establishing and facilitating relationships between iwi, hapū, mana whenua and government agencies relating to property.
  • Supporting the development of cultural capability of the property-related project team.
  • Leading and supporting the development of place-based outcomes with landlords, government agencies and other providers.
  • Managing communications and engagement with iwi, hapū, mana whenua and government agencies.

What’s not covered

The contract does not cover:

Construction related consultancy services

  • building and concept design
  • architectural services
  • project management
  • quantity surveying.

These services are covered under Construction consultancy services.

Facilities management services

  • contract management
  • building compliance services
  • repairs and maintenance
  • office relocation and storage
  • asset management services
  • external building services
  • asset care and job-logging services.

These services are covered under Facilities management services.

Organisational change management and IT change management

These services are covered under Consultancy services.

Office furniture fit-out services and refurbishment works

  • internal alterations
  • electrical, mechanical and security services.

These services are covered under Workplace and classroom furniture.

External legal services and/or documentation in relation to property

These services are covered under External legal services.

Property portfolio management of Crown-owned property

These services are out of scope, including advising on the disposal of crown-owned estate. Toitū te Whenua - Land Information New Zealand has more information.

Crown property disposals — Toitū te Whenua - Land Information New Zealand

Procurement strategy and consultancy

  • including policy
  • sourcing and spend analysis
  • supply chain logistics and inventory management
  • generic (non-property related) community relationship services.

Any other consultancy services covered under Consultancy services.

Although property consultants are covered by this contract, contractors are out of scope. A contractor is hired by an agency with no defined outcome or agreed milestones. The agency is responsible for the quality of the contractor’s work; with consultants, the consultancy company is responsible.

How it works

Each subcategory of services has a range of providers to choose from. Some providers work across multiple subcategories.

To use this contract, you first have to join. There’s more information on the joining process in this section below:

Joining this contract

Once you’ve joined, you’ll need to determine your requirements.

Then, you can directly source a provider from the panel.

Once you’ve chosen a provider, use the Property Consultancy Services Order (PCSO) template to record the terms agreed. There might be other documentation (like briefs and variations) that you can attach as appendices to the PCSO. The PCSO template is in the Contract documents section at the top of this page.

More detail on the selection process and writing a PCSO is on the ‘Using the property consultancy services’ contract page.

Using the property consultancy services contract

Features and benefits

  • Value for money – the transparent pricing model offers savings compared to market rates. Providers must offer their best price to agencies and schools participating in this contract.
  • Consistent provider role levels that make it easier to compare prices between providers.
  • An expanded scope of services under one contract, designed to better support the property lifecycle. For example, property-related iwi relationship services and sustainability services can be applied through planning, property use and reconciliation.
  • Easy access to a range of experienced providers offering quality expertise.
  • The contract helps agencies to achieve their broader outcomes goals, as sustainability and property related iwi relationship services can be accessed on the new panel.
  • Work with suppliers who support the strategic goals related to government property.
  • Supports open engagement and building positive relationships (including with iwi).

Savings and costs


Agencies participating in the property consultancy services contract don't need to go through a full procurement process of their own, which saves time, effort and cost.

This contract has secured hourly rates per consultant/provider. A full outline of the rates is available via the Online Panel Directory.

The secured rates are the maximum rate that should be charged. Agencies are encouraged to negotiate rates below the maximums, taking the nature of the engagement into account.


There is currently no administration fee charged on this contract.

We reserve the right to introduce an administration fee if required to support delivery of services to agencies.

We will notify participating agencies in advance of introducing an administration fee.

Dates and renewal details

Start date:
Current term end date:
Contract Terms:
Initial agreement term:
Three years + two rights of renewal of three years.
Renewals left: two.

Joining this contract

To purchase property consultancy services using this contract, your agency or school first needs to join. The steps for joining this common capability contract are the same as an All-of-Government (AoG) contract.

If this is the first collaborative contract your organisation is joining, you’ll need to:

  • check if you’re eligible to join
  • sign a non-disclosure agreement
  • create a RealMe login (to access the joining documents below).

Find more detail on these three steps at Joining AoG contracts.

Joining AoG contracts

Once you have completed this process, or if you’ve joined AoG contracts before, the next step is to read:

  • the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the property consultancy services contract
  • the Master property consultancy services agreement (MSA). This details the rights and obligations of all parties in the contract. Your organisation needs to be aware of terms relevant to their procurement and use of the services.

If your agency agrees to the terms of the MoU, sign and submit the online joining form. The MoU and joining form are in the Joining documents section below. You need an agency login to access it.

Once we receive your joining form, we’ll be in touch to confirm that your agency or school has been approved to participate in the contract.

You can then purchase property consultancy services using this contract.

Joining documents

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​​Roles and responsibilities

Each participant in this contract has responsibilities that they must meet as part of that contract.

Roles and responsibilities
