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What's RealMe?

To log in to this service you need a RealMe login.

This service uses RealMe login to secure and protect your personal information.

RealMe login is a service from the New Zealand government that includes a single login, letting you use one username and password to access a wide range of services online.

Find out more at www.realme.govt.nz.

Using the talent acquisition services contract

This page provides step by step instructions on how to use the All-of-Government (AoG) talent acquisition services contract.

To purchase from this contract agencies and schools first need to join AoG contracts.

Joining AoG contracts

Using this contract

  • 1
    Determine your needs

    Start by understanding what your needs are, and what abilities you already have within your agency to meet them. Talk to your own talent acquisition team to see how they can support those needs.

    This will help you establish if you need to go outside your agency to find talent. Consider information such as job location, access to local talent, budget, and broader outcomes to further identify your requirements. What will the job description look like? Is the recruitment for:

    • a single role,
    • a specific project,
    • a long-term arrangement to deliver over time.
  • 2
    Determine the placement type

    Are you recruiting for a permanent or temporary employee, or are you looking for a contractor?

    Discuss any internal options to fill your roles through secondments across your organisation or wider government.

    Before you make the decision to go outside your agency to find talent, seek advice from your procurement team. They will be able to help you put the best commercial arrangement in place.

    The use of consultants are not covered under this contract. The AoG consultancy services contract offers advisory services from a panel of consultants. The Public Service Commission has published a contractors and consultants guidance that can be helpful.

    Consultancy services contract

    Contractors and Consultants guidance [PDF 642KB] – Public Service Commission

  • 3
    Search, shortlist and select a provider from the AoG panel on OPD

    Depending on your agency’s needs, the scale of your requirements, and your budget and timeframes, you can select providers from the panel in one of two ways.

    • You can direct source a provider, based on the information provided here and/or your own market knowledge and experience.
    • You can complete a secondary selection process, where you go out to a number of providers from the panel.

    We’ve gone through a robust procurement process to select the panel providers, so you don’t have to test the entire panel every time you have a requirement. Use the Online Panel Directory (OPD) to review providers.

    Online Panel Directory (OPD)

  • 4
    Going off-panel

    Some agencies are mandated to follow Rule 58 of the Government Procurement Rules and purchase from AoG panels.

    In some cases, you can use off-panel providers if there are needs that can’t be met by a panel provider. For example, you’re looking for candidates in a specific location that is not covered by TAS providers, or you see the benefit of using local providers to recruit local talent for a specific role.

    Contact us first if you have to go off-panel.

    Email us

    Rule 58 All-of-Government contracts

  • 5
    Complete a talent service order (TSO)

    Once you’ve selected a provider complete a TSO

    A TSO is a contractual requirement and must be agreed by both parties. If you do not use a TSO then you expose your agency and providers to avoidable risks. You should try to agree to the TSO as soon as possible. Other documentation, like job descriptions, that are generated as part of the delivery of services can be referenced in, or attached to, the TSO as appendices.

    Before starting a TSO, brief your shortlisted providers and make sure they clearly understand your needs. It is important all providers are given the same information in the briefing.

    Check that the contractors are not engaged in another project that could limit their ability to deliver the tasks set out in the service order.

    What goes into a TSO or an alternative engagement document

    Make sure that the scope of services is clearly stated to avoid confusion. Include:

    • a statement reading ‘This talent acquisition services order is subject to the All-of-Government Services Agreement relating to talent acquisition services between the Provider and Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (on behalf of All-of-Government), dated month/year.’
    • title of the vacancy
    • line manager or contact person’s name and email address
    • description of the services sought – specify the job family and any additional services required
    • required timeframes to fill the vacancy
    • proposed start and end dates for contractors and temporary assignments
    • anticipated costs – broken down into:
      • salary/temporary pay/contractor pay
      • provider fee
      • on-costs
      • additional services (specified)
      • expenses (specified)
      • administration fee.

    Note: TSOs may be exclusive or non-exclusive. Use the TSO template in the contract documents section


  • 6
    Place the candidate

    Your provider will complete the service as outlined in the TSO. Make sure you refer to the checklist for mandatory deliverables in the master service agreement.

    Confirm the provider has received the candidate’s consent before applying for a role on their behalf. Verbal approvals do not count as consent. It must be written and documented appropriately or can result in the loss of payment for the provider.

  • 7
    Post placement engagement

    Your provider is required to send you a provider performance survey. It is important that you complete this so that we can continue to monitor the performance of the panel. As part of service delivery, your provider must also arrange for candidate management and care. This could include:

    • mental health and wellbeing care, and access to assistance programmes
    • regular check-ins with the candidates
    • performance management of candidates
    • actively work with the hiring manager to attract, select, and retain talent
    • uplift knowledge and experience of candidates
    • networking events and opportunities
    • diversity and inclusion initiatives for candidates.

    There is more information in the Master Services Agreement, or you can email us.

    If you have any queries on potential conflicts or disputes, please indicate this in the subject line of your email.

    End of process