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Reporting on broader outcomes

This reporting framework supports the implementation of broader outcomes and helps identify and generate public value.

Agency briefings - reporting on broader outcomes

More information for agencies on the reporting framework is available on Hīkina – Learning for Procurement and Property.

Hīkina – Learning for Procurement and Property(external link)

The framework

The broader outcomes reporting framework provides a system-wide view of government procurement activity. It establishes a baseline and tracks the outcomes being achieved across government.

This framework sets out how the government will monitor and report on procurement activity and outcomes across the system. It supports the improvement of procurement practices across the New Zealand public sector and enables the procurement system to generate greater public value.

The key principles behind the framework are to:

  • automate collection of information, where possible
  • use current data sources, where possible
  • make sure that information requested from agencies link to the objectives of the framework
  • make sure insights and usable data are shared with agencies
  • introduce a common data standard for efficient and aggregated reporting.

The initial focus of the framework is on the priority outcomes identified in the Government Procurement Rules 4th edition. Over time it will incorporate all procurement reporting.

Government Procurement Rules

Key performance indicators for broader outcomes

These key performance indicators align to the priority outcomes set out in the Government Procurement Rules.

Priority outcome Key performance indicator
1. Increase New Zealand business access to government procurement 1.1. Increase in the number of contracts being awarded to New Zealand businesses

1.2. Increase in the value of contracts being awarded to New Zealand businesses

1.3. Increase in the number of New Zealand businesses being awarded contracts, at an increasing value

2. Increased size and skill of construction sector workforce 2.1. Increase in number of workers in construction

2.2. Increase in number of construction workers receiving formal and informal training

2.3. Increase in employment opportunities for targeted worker groups

3. Improve conditions for workers and future proof ability of New Zealand business to trade 3.1. Reduction in notifiable events in government contracts (compared to national average) (in regards to health & safety)

3.2. Increase in contractual mechanisms regarding employment standards

3.3. Increase in monitoring activities being undertaken

3.4. Reduction in number of government suppliers appearing on government stand down list

4. Support transition to zero emissions economy and assist the Government to significantly reduce waste 4.1. Reduction in average vehicle emissions from the government fleet

4.2. Reduction in emissions created by government owned buildings

4.3. Reduction in consumption of ‘single-use’ items (i.e. plastic pens, paper etc.)

The framework has been developed so that these indicators can be adapted or added to over time.

Reporting methods

We use current information, or information that can be collected automatically through current systems to report on broader outcomes, where possible. This enables us to collect data without placing a significant burden on agencies.

The only manual reporting is required for priority outcome three - improving conditions for New Zealand workers. It is to be provided via the completion of broader outcomes data collection template in the ‘agency reporting requirements’ section below. This will help us to compile information which we do not have automated collection methods for yet.

Over time, we will adapt systems such as GETS to incorporate the New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) and to collect more information on specific activities.

New Zealand Business Number (NZBN)

Agency reporting requirements

We aim to minimise reporting requirements where we can and over time build digital capabilities into the framework, such as automating data collection. Agencies still need to provide a small amount of manual reporting via the broader outcomes data collection template.

Reports are due twice yearly on 1 March and 1 October.

We also collect data on the progressive procurement policy.

Reporting on progressive procurement policy
