Plan how the effectiveness of services will be evaluated, and how outcomes as well as outputs will be measured.
Evaluation may look at different things, including:
- how, and how well, an initiative has been delivered (process evaluation)
- the extent to which the initiative contributed to the achievement of target outcomes and unintended outcomes (outcome, or impact evaluation)
- value for money, cost-effectiveness, or cost-benefit (economic evaluation).
Evaluation is not performance measurement, but it uses performance data. While measures change over time, evaluation tells us why or why not change has occurred. Evaluation tells us about the value of the change and whether it is attributable to the initiative.
The evaluation can be done by the provider or you can commission an evaluation. The choice will depend on the provider’s ability to carry out or commission an evaluation. Consider how the evaluation will be funded and how to ensure it is independent. If it is not included in the cost of services, it may not happen.
Talk to your internal research and evaluation team, if you have one.
It's also useful to talk to providers when you're developing the specification and performance measure for a service, especially those that deal with vulnerable clients.
How to measure outcomes and outputs