What you need to do to appropriately manage the contract and provider relationship.
Detailed information on managing contracts for any procurement is in the Guide to procurement - Manage section of our website.
You’ll find out how to:
Extra information specific to social services procurements is below.
For social services procurements, you should also:
If you set up the contract to specify or measure outcomes, you will make it much easier to evolve the service over time to improve the results. For example, instead of measuring the number of attendees on a quit smoking course, you could measure the number of people who report success at remaining smoke-free on a six-month follow-up after the course. If the contract is only designed to measure outputs, you might need to make changes to performance measures to capture outcomes.
How to measure outcomes and outputs
Alter the service specification or contract if you agree and providers agree to change the service. If you have only specified the outcomes and been less specific about the services it is easier to adapt the service.
Get information to help you evolve the service from:
Discuss the most recent report on the outcomes, both data and narrative, and the reasons for changes.
Agree any new actions and record them in the Outcome Agreement Management Plan.
Work with your provider to identify and regularly update risks to service delivery and maintain a risk register.
For information regarding the social worker pay equity extension please refer to the Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission guidance.
Guidance for template clauses [PDF 149KB] – Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission
We have also development a template contract variation to support agencies.