Clear and concise requirements make sure suppliers understand what you need – making it easier for them to respond, and more likely you'll get the right results.
The Government aims to protect New Zealand workers from unfair and unsafe behaviour.
Managing service delivery, monitoring health and safety, mitigating risks and avoiding and managing problems.
Providers are appointed across three tiers within each sub category. Tiers are based on capacity, capability and value of agency spend. Each tier has been appointed in relation to their current Government spend and their ability to provide services in one or more sub-categories.
Agencies can select a provider from across the tiers, depending on which provider best suits their needs.
This All-of-Government contract offers specialist consultancy advice and competitive solutions from a panel of experienced consultancy providers across 11 sub-categories.
The government is committed to achieving positive cultural, environmental, social and economic outcomes from its procurement activities. Together, these are called broader outcomes.
Asbestos management in buildings is an area public sector property professionals are required to keep up to date on. WorkSafe oversees the regulatory environment, and the requirement for Person Conducting a Business of Undertaking (PCBUs) including PCBU landlords.
The All-of-Government (AoG) construction consultancy services (CCS) solution gives eligible agencies access to a panel of providers that offer specialist advice. It replaces the syndicated agreement that was led by the Department of Corrections for construction consultancy services.
Government is committed to using procurement contracts as a lever to achieve broader cultural, economic, environmental and social outcomes for New Zealand.
A shift in thinking creates better public value for New Plymouth District Council.
A list of words and what they mean.
The panel offers external legal services in the following areas of law and sub-areas of law.
Here is the latest procurement-related information for government agencies.
The All-of-Government office supplies contract covers stationery, cleaning, hygiene and washroom consumables, ICT consumables, educational supplies, health and safety products, and milk and milk alternatives.
This contract provides agencies with flexible, quick and easy access to facilities management-related services through a clear contract framework, value for money arrangements and reliable, timely and consistent service delivery.
This page provides step by step instructions on how to use the All-of-Government (AoG) motor vehicles contract. You may also find additional resources on this page.
Before you can approach the market or provider community, you'll need to plan your procurement.
New Zealand’s air ambulance sector operates the third largest air ambulance fleet in the world.
The government has made it a priority to reduce waste from the goods and services it buys.
NZGP’s online training system, Hīkina, is helping to build public sector capability in procurement, one of the fastest growing professions in Australasia. Hīkina currently offers training in three areas.
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