Sign up for GETS to view and respond to New Zealand government tender opportunities.
GETS is the Government Electronic Tender Service, where most large government contracts are advertised.
It's designed to promote open, fair competition in the New Zealand government market and meet international trade agreement commitments to provide information about New Zealand government business opportunities.
It's free to use, but you have to register to view the details of listed opportunities.
New Zealand public sector agencies use GETS to advertise tenders and manage the tender process. Some agencies are mandated to use GETS for large tender opportunities.
Suppliers need to register for GETS using an individual RealMe login. Once you're registered, you can sign in to view details and respond to advertised opportunities. You'll also be sent notifications of new listings in the areas you're interested in.
Contact the GETS helpdesk during New Zealand business hours:
For any GETS enquiries:
Phone: 0508 438 743 (0508 GETS HELP)
International phone: +64 4 901 3188.
GETS is an information and tender management system only. The GETS team have no involvement in running or evaluating tenders/offers.