Log in with RealMe

To access the Procurement online service, you need a RealMe login. If you've used a RealMe login somewhere else, you can use it here too. If you don't already have a username and password, just select "Log in" and choose to create one.

What's RealMe?

To log in to this service you need a RealMe login.

This service uses RealMe login to secure and protect your personal information.

RealMe login is a service from the New Zealand government that includes a single login, letting you use one username and password to access a wide range of services online.

Find out more at www.realme.govt.nz.

Feedback and complaints​​

​If you have feedback or concerns about a procurement process, use our supplier feedback service, raise it with the agency directly, or make a formal complaint.

The government aims to demonstrate high standards in its procurement practice, but doesn’t always get it right, and sometimes your experience may not be what you expected.

If you have feedback or a complaint about a procurement process, you can:

  • use the supplier feedback service
  • raise it with the agency involved
  • raise a formal complaint
  • engage a third party to help you and the agency resolve the issue
  • escalate to an authority and/or go to court.

Using the supplier feedback service

Feedback plays an important role in identifying difficulties and barriers that suppliers are experiencing, and helps us identify improvements that may lead to better government procurement practices. It can also help us recognise good practice in agencies.

If you would like to raise a general concern about your procurement experience, you can email us. This is not the same as lodging a formal complaint.

Raising a concern directly with an agency

During the tender process

If you have a concern during the tender process, you should raise it with the agency as early as possible.

Concerns can often result from a misunderstanding – the agency may be able to resolve your concern by explaining the process used or the reason for its decision. Raising and resolving concerns early on in a process can reduce the chance of more serious problems arising later.

After an unsuccessful tender

If you have been unsuccessful in a tender and have a concern, you should first ask for a debrief from the agency. You should be told why your tender was not successful, compared to the winning bid. These reasons may resolve your concern or clarify any problems that the agency needs to investigate further.

If you have raised your concern with the agency but it has not been resolved, you may need to contact someone more senior within the agency, like a senior manager.

Make a formal complaint

If you've made every effort to resolve your concern with the agency, but are still not happy, you may want to make a formal complaint.

How to make a formal complaint

Engaging a third party

Before taking any further steps, you need to have tried, in good faith, to resolve the problem directly with the agency. If you're not satisfied after raising a concern or making a formal complaint, you can:

  • ask for an independent review or investigation
  • seek mediation or alternative dispute resolution.

We recommend you consult a lawyer to help you decide on the best option for your circumstances.

Independent review or investigation

You can ask for an independent review or investigation – this is called a probity audit. It can be by:

  • Audit New Zealand
  • your own auditor
  • an independent auditor appointed by both you and the agency.

Before appointing an auditor, check with the agency who will pay for the audit. The agency is not required to pay for the auditor.

Mediation or alternative dispute resolution

If the agency agrees, you can both refer the concern or complaint to mediation or some form of alternative dispute resolution. This is faster and cheaper than going to court. Each party usually funds their own costs and shares any mediator costs.
